What is a phobia?
A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of certain objects, situations, or activities that often causes a person suffering from a phobia to go to great lengths to avoid the cause of their fear. There are three types of phobias: specific phobia (e.g., fear of snakes), social phobia (e.g., fear of public speaking), and agoraphobia (e.g., fear of having a panic attack in a public place).
How do phobias happen?
Phobias can result from genetic predisposition, environmental factors, extreme trauma, or a combination thereof.
What are common symptoms of phobias?
Symptoms of phobias can vary widely by type and person, but simply speaking a phobia causes someone extreme and irrational feelings of fear and discomfort upon being exposed to the source of the phobia.
What is the treatment for a phobia?
Treatment for phobias depends on the unique situation of the patient. Mthera offers a number of treatment options for phobias. If you feel you may be suffering from phobias, I encourage you to request an appointment by clicking here.