Our privacy policy

The law protects information you share with us, and we are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of this information unless you explicitly consent otherwise. However, there are some exceptions to this as outlined in the following. Please read carefully and consult with us if you have any questions. 

Personal health information: under the law, we are permitted to disclose personal health information for purposes of a) treatment, b) payment, and c) health care operations. When possible, we will first obtain your consent.

Treatment: we may consult with your current health care provider(s) about your condition. 

Payment: we disclose only the minimum information necessary to your insurer in order for you to obtain reimbursement (where applicable).

Health care operations: we disclose only the minimum information necessary for administrative activities like audits of our practice.

Ethical or legal obligation: in certain cases, we are required to disclose information without your authorization if you are a danger to yourself or others. Further, if information you disclose leads us to suspect abuse, neglect, or domestic violence pertaining to yourself or others, we must disclose it to the proper authorities. 

Parents/children: If you are an unemancipated minor, there may be information we must disclose to a parent, guardian, or other party acting legally on your behalf. If you are a parent of an unemancipated minor and acting on their behalf, we may disclose information about your child to you in certain circumstances. 

Information requests: We may disclose other information as required by law. 

We strive to create the most comfortable environment possible so that you can share with us freely, and a big part of that means honoring your confidentiality and rights. Your health and information rights are important to us. By law, you have rights regarding the information we collect and maintain about you, which includes the right to:

  • Request we restrict certain uses and disclosures of your health information.

  • Request we communicate with you by alternative means.

  • Request to review or receive a copy of the information we maintain about you.

  • Request that we amend the health information we maintain about you.

  • Request a list of our disclosures of your health information.

Please note that we may not be able to comply with all requests, but we will work with you as much as legally and ethically permissible to maintain your confidentiality. We reserve the right to adjust our privacy policy, in which case the adjusted terms will apply to all information we maintain. If these adjustments reflect a material change to our policy, we will promptly distribute the updated privacy policy with these revisions. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.